Friday, February 27, 2009

Getting Ready for Baby Brother, Part 2

I have discovered that having a different-gendered child is basically like having a baby for the first time again. Most everything I bought for the girls is either too feminine for a boy or worn out after the first two. I have recently invested in a new travel system (infant seat and stroller), new crib bedding and related accessories for a more "boyish room", and of course, boy clothes, socks, blankets, towels, etc. I found a pretty good deal on the travel system through (the style was being cleared out), but of course after shipping it was almost as much as buying one in the store. Oh well, I liked the pattern better than any other I had seen. When we finally received the car seat a few weeks ago, Brooklyn immediately went and got her doll to put in it and I was amazed to see that she pretty well knew how to buckle it up! Then she and Jacey had fun pretending that it was their baby and carried it around the house. Too bad when the real baby comes he is going to be too heavy for them to tote around, although knowing Brooklyn she will probably try anyways. . .

1 comment:

Hooper Family said...

It looks like this baby boy is going to have 3 mommies!